What the CSF is about – Angus Jenkinson’s perspective
Any solution to the present social issues {e.g. disconnect between wealth and well-being, high youth unemployment, high workplace and wider life stress, disenfranchisement and disconnectedness) needs to take account of a massive social transformation at a global level. This is the historical rise of individualism, accelerating since the Renaissance, and particularly since the 20th century, thoroughly transforming human society. On the plus side it has endorsed the dignity of the individual {e.g. the ending of slavery, the trend towards gender equality, and respect for the child}. But society has also failed to address its reversed side: rampant self-interest [and the universalisation of individual experience] This in fact creates fragmentation and numerous challenges for civil society to address: {e.g. overcoming disaffection, alienation and an employability of many young people; the inability of political parties to work together to solve national issues; the crisis in civilisation brought about by the banking crisis (egotism)}. Finding workable solutions to these problems at all levels, from community grassroots to national adjustment, is what we do.
Our unique approach is systemic and interdisciplinary. It is based on convening talented concerned individuals and institutions; bringing them together and co-designing systemic approaches to learn and address particular challenges and opportunities;
This is based on our core insight into civil society’s fundamental need: the developmental transformation of ‘fragmented individuality’ into ‘sociable individuality’, in both institutions and individuals, from childhood to adult life, from grassroots communities to national institutions, in economic, civic and cultural life. To support this, we curate and promote solutions in three ways:
1. Through exploring and promoting better ways, with templates for social entrepreneurs [Esther suggested edit: social entrepreneurship in its most inclusive sense], {from Prime Minister to business executive to village activist};
2. Through developing individual and institutional capability in sociable individuality;
3. Bringing people together in problem-solving and opportunity creating conversations / [Conversations that matter, catalysing collaborative action]
And through this:
4. Stimulating collaborative action and supporting the evolution of mutually supportive ways of working and living
5. Supporting people in making their contribution to building a world where all can flourish.
The benefits are economic, social, cultural and individual. Britain has already led the world in the cultivation of the individual and democratic forms. We believe that it can play a global role as an exemplar of the next stage in sociable individuality.