We have brought together a body of knowledge from a wide variety of experts 

Real world
challenges addressed

We have delivered our knowledge and best thinking since 2002 through a series of events including:

The art of collaboration. Multiple sessions with guided exploration including practical exercises with Prof John Carlisle, international authority on collaboration and win-win approaches to management.

Using collaborative networks to stimulate & support transformation.

‘Responding to the Riots’ Forum: What can we do to address the underlying causes of the riots? In partnership with Initiatives of Change, Cordoba Foundation and Burning2Learn

Future thinking


Improving service to customers whilst reducing costs. Method in the face of Madness. Including explanation of the approach used to address threats faced by Advice Centres by Steve Johnson, Chief Exec of Advice UK

How can we adjust our organisational models & practice to better serve our collective interests? With keynote insight from James Quilligan, radical economist and Chair of Global Commons Trust. Part of Quilligan Series on ‘Steps towards a commons-based economy’. In partnership with the Gaia Network and Working in Trust.

What needs to be done to adjust our business (organizational) models, systems and ways of working to increase collective impact & better serve the common interests, wealth & well-being of all? Including 5 short presentations introducing useful approaches.

Re-imagining Commissioning; using a simplified version of ‘Syntegration’; a method (drawn from complexity science) for bringing together lots of different perspectives to address a problem.

Managing complex delivery (non-hierarchically); Introducing an approach to designing non-hierarchical structures to organise & generate synergy within and between organisations  (building on the Viable Systems Model)

Original Articles