Stimulating and supporting transformation through collaborative networks

A foundational intention of the CSF is to promote effective collaboration both practically by working collaboratively, brokering collaborations, championing and developing wider capabilities in collaboration.

Below are details of previous workshops run on the topic.
Using collaborative networks to stimulate & support transformation


This workshop will look at effective ways of working with dispersed groups of people / communities of interest to stimulate & support change.

The focus will be on how to use collaborative networks and support groups can stimulate and support genuine transformation of organisations and services.

The workshop will be joint exploration of the challenge drawing on the insights and experience of everyone in the room. This will include:

Catalysing and supporting change

Esther Ridsdale, founder and chair of The Civil Society Forum will give a session sharing insight from 17 years experience supporting cross-organisational transformation, coaching and the last eight years designing and running collaborative networks.


Strategic thinking scenario

To ground the exploration we will consider Suffolk County Council’s conundrum of how form a network to support people across the locality in addressing the challenge of sustaining and reforming services in the face of cuts and reform.

Questions will be shared in advance giving time for participants to gather their thoughts and providing opportunity for short sharing of insight by willing participants with particular experience and expertise in related areas.

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